Dare to Be Different!

I don't see how anyone would enjoy having their feet tied together with a big rubber band, then jump off a bridge!
Being the Queen means my word is final; and being the water creature that I am set up a trip that I'm sure you'll love!
Ever been Cave Rafting? The Wild West Adventure Company in Greymouth offers some pretty exciting trips. It was different, squeezing through little openings in the rocks, and jumping off cliffs. Cold, too, even though we wore wet suits. The inner tube "rafts" helped keep me warm somewhat, but my recommendation to you is to keep moving! The glow-worms looked like neon green things in the rocks - it was creepy and dark! The hydroslide was a natural "slip-n-slide" and I highly recommend it. Don't worry about the rocks scraping your bum. They've been worn smooth, so you'll never feel it! And at the end you get this nifty cetificate, get a snack and lounge around in their hot tub. They have a gift shop too. Newt bought a glow-in-the-dark tee shirt boasting "I Did It in the Dark!"