We're so happy you could visit us here in Christchurch, the Garden City. Christchurch is located on the south island of New Zealand, and it's the most beautiful city we've ever seen. As we drifted over the top of the city, it was like looking at one big garden, though the snow has killed some of the more delicate plants. My pixies and I could sleep in a different flower every night, and never sleep in the same blossom twice! There are floral designs in the median strips made from different colored petunias with marigolds added for punch.
Things are very different here. Although it is the 21st century, the pace is very laid back, people are friendly and eager to help. We see lots of bus stops with people waiting to go into town, and flowers everywhere. That's good! We don't have to worry about transportation, and Newt doesn't have to worry about driving after spending the afternoon in one of the pubs. Just kidding, Newt.
Before we go off on any tangents, I want to show you the city of Christchurch. It's a bit too far to walk, so let's wait over here for the bus. We want the Riccarton Road bus. But even if we did walk, there's plenty of room for a group to walk together without pushing anyone off the sidewalk. Oh. There's the bus.
The homes are mostly brick with shutters and wrought iron fences, although some are using wood fences. Have you noticed? Most of the homes don't face the street, but instead, an exquisite English garden bursting with hollyhocks, foxgloves, and bluebells, greets visitors. Nearly everyone has a garden of some sort - lots of flowers and a few vegetable.
Okay, here we go - this is our stop, Cathedral Square. 
I've noticed in our travels, that people sure spend a lot of money on their churches!
Anyway. This cathedral has to be the most ornate I've ever seen. Isn't it beautiful? I've heard that someone has a webcam on top. Maybe we can get a peek.
I see the wizard's here today.

Who's the wizard?
Well, it's a guy dressed up as a wizard. He's a regular here in the square. He's usually preaching to anyone who will listen. I couldn't tell you what he's saying - it all sounded like garbledy-gook to me. Faeries don't understand kiwi very well. I hear he has a website, though.
Do you like to play chess? This is a big chessboard, and anybody can play.
What do you think of those huge chess pieces?
If you're hungry, there's all sorts of stands that sell fish and chips, souvlaki, chicken, and anything else that you could think of. I highly recommend the souvlaki - you can get beef or lamb. Just walk toward the wizard, and you'll see the food stands.
It seems the big draw today in the square are three guys in a bed, suspended in the air, to protest world famine. There's always something neat going on here.